Contour Cock Ring Morph for HARDWEAR 2.0
 | HARDWEAR 2.0 Horseshoe With Contour Options show in cart when you add any H20.Out of Stock!I Already Have HARDWEAR 2.0Add To Cart. Now you can get your HARDWEAR 2.0 with a curved cockring profile, allowing this amazing cock enhancer to follow the line of a man's groin with the highest level of precision possible. Already the most advanced mechanical sexual enhancer on the planet, the contour morph for HARDWEAR is another leap forward in male enhancement technology. This new option for your Horseshoe Cockring unlocks new super powers in the laundry list of features HARDWEAR has to offer.
Add any HARDWEAR 2.0 (H20) Horseshoe Cockring to your cart and the options for contouring will appear. Thousands of men have already experienced the male enhancing powers of HARDWEAR cock rings. Taking the world's best cock ring to yet another level, we introduce the Contour Morph.
Applicable to all (H20) HARDWEAR 2.0 Horseshoe Cock Ring sizes, this new optional morph contours the unit so that it will follow the natural curve of a man's body (groin, pubic bone, etc). This is a similar concept to the banana cup athletic supporter which revolutionized male athletic support years ago by, you guessed it, applying a curve that would follow the shape of the male groin. | |
 | Contouring Makes The Unit Fit More Intense
It should be noted that having us contour your HARDWEAR unit will also give it a more intense fit, so if you've been on the fence between two sizes, you might go with the larger and have it contoured. |  |
 | Contouring Makes The Unit Reversible Contouring your HARDWEAR makes it reversible, giving it an additional wearing mode. That is to say, with its balls back it follows the shape of your groin and avoids your balls, however flipping it around into "balls forward" mode fits it against the curve of your body where it will push your nut sack forward with even more gusto than usual for an even bigger basket bulge in your undies, jeans, etc. |  |
More Options for Hardwear 2.0
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