| Penis Enlargement (PE) is any practice within a range of techniques that aims to increase either the length of the penis, the girth of the penis, the strength and potency of erections and\or the sexual performance of the male. Sometimes referred to as Male Enhancement (since only male's have penises - LOL) the practices that can be grouped within this classification are broad. Penis Exercises AKA cock workouts; vacuum tube penis pumping, cock ring male enhancement, penis clamping, chemical AKA medicinal male enhancers and surgical penile enlargement are all techniques that sit well within the label.
What technique works? The intriguing thing about the answer to this question is that all of the techniques mentioned above will indeed have some male enhancing effect. These terms have not endured the test of time out of dumb luck, they do something. Knowing what they do and knowing what your penis and sexual goals are as a man (I.E. knowing exactly what you want to improve) is the key to finding satisfaction with a penis enlargement technique. Knowing what you want allows a plan to be put together, and tools to be selected, that are appropriate to your goals.
As the maker's of the world's most advanced cock ring male enhancer (HARDWEAR) we can fully attest to the fact that men will experience tremendous erections and enhanced sexual performance while wearing our gear... this fact is well known. Lesser known, are the ways that HARDWEAR can be incorporated into penis enlargement routines that are aimed at producing size increases even when not wearing the device.
Jelqing and other forms of hand-to-penis workout moves (there are hundreds of penis exercises that a man can perform) have the benefit of being varied in terms of intensity and risk, so that men new to enlargement can find a good place to start. Basic cock exercises are also free, so make a good place to begin. However, as men advance in their penis routine the need for tools rises, as to take their gains into new territory. Penis Pumping for example, is well known within the PE community. (Learn more about Penis Pumping). Penis Clamping is an advanced penis enlargement technique that has been controversial over the years, mostly because no safe devices existed to support the practice and the use of hazardous tools such as hose clamps from your local Home Depot often had damaging results. (Learn more about Penis Clamping, and how HARDWEAR male rings can be used as a much safer penis clamp system). Indeed, our cock rings are the #1 high-end choice for all day wear, bulge enhancement, etc, because of our unmatched variety of size options, adjustability, and dazzling materials that allow the units to be invisible in locker room, group shower, and other areas where a man might be publically nude. |